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多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

时间:2020年02月17日    作者:和通社《亚洲经济导刊》    浏览量:

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持


 【本社纽约讯 记者FUNK LIU随着肇始于武汉的“新冠肺炎”疫情不断蔓延,世卫组织已将“新冠肺炎”疫情列为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件。近日,记者获悉来自美国、中国、加拿大等国的小朋友发起的一场捐助中国防抗“新冠肺炎”疫情爱心接力行动成功启动,发起人已经进行首轮募捐并成功给联合国秘书长大会主席递交了倡议书。



多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

首先发起这项活动的是长岛Great Net North 高中11年级Mia Xu(徐子雅),他率先萌发了“我们青少年也应该参与援助疫情灾区的行动”的创意并付诸行动,起草了给联合国秘书长、大会主席的倡议书,同时找来长岛Jericho 高中9年级Harmony Liu(刘昕格)商量共同发起,因为5年前,Harmony Liu就有了用自己红包捐献给非洲抗击伊波拉病毒活动的经验。


多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

参与发起的加拿大多伦多Wishing Well Montessori School一年级Elvis Han(韩储泽)同学今年才6岁,但他已经是个很懂事的小朋友啦!在家长的指导鼓励下,他决定取消原定的出国旅游计划,支持这个爱心接力活动。看着小朋友慷慨地将春节旅游的红包拿出来捐款,大人们开心极了!小朋友还画了一张“飞机轰炸冠状病毒”的画,要求大伙儿将这副画与倡议书一起送到联合国,这份童心应该会感动各国人士和联合国官员呢!

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

果然,倡议书发出当天,美国和平与环保英雄、101岁的资深国会议员Lester Wolff(沃尔夫),美国联邦国会议员、负责长岛区的环保议员Thomas Suozzi等人获悉后立马签字支持。Lester Wolff感动地说:“小小年纪就能为疫情献出小爱,未来成年后就会大爱!”



多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持



多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持 


 附:首批参加爱心捐款接力名单: Initiators & Participants:  Youths from many counties launched the activity of supporting the fight against "2019-nCoV Pneumonia" epidemic to the United Nations, (the List of Initiators & Participants of the First Batch of Love Donation Relay has been announced. ) 

多国青少年发起 “新冠肺炎”抗疫行动获联合国支持

《Youth from many countries launched the activity of supporting the fight against "2019-nCoV Pneumonia" epidemic to the United Nations》(the List of Initiators & Participants of the First Batch of Love Donation Relay has been announced.)

《Youth from many countries launched the activity of supporting the fight against "2019-nCoV Pneumonia" epidemic to the United Nations》(the List of Initiators & Participants of the First Batch of Love Donation Relay has been announced.)
Recently, the rapid outbreak of 2019-nCoV Pneumonia has spread throughout China, and has extended to more than 20 countries. WHO has listed 2019-nCoV Pneumonia epidemic as a public health emergency of international concern. With the rapid outbreak of "2019-nCoV Pneumonia" epidemic, WHO has listed 2019-nCoV Pneumonia epidemic as a public health emergency of international concern. Recently, a donation initiated by children from the United States, China, Canada and other countries to support China’s national fight against“2019-nCoV Pneumonia”epidemic has been successfully launched. The sponsor has conducted the first round of fundraising and successfully submitted a proposal to the chairman of the UN Secretary-General’s General Assembly.
The slogan of this initiative is as follows: "The virus is ruthless but there is love in the world; regardless of your age, regardless of your skin color, no matter how much you can offer, donations for epidemic prevention, everyone has responsibility!"
The initiative requires all participating young people from various countries to donate a portion of their gift money received on Chinese Lunar New Year to the children in the epidemic-stricken area to help fight against the epidemic, calling on everyone to "everyone should eat one less hamburger, drink one less bottle of Coca-Cola, and donate one more mask to the epidemic-stricken areas!"
The first to initiate this activity is Mia Xu (Xu Ziya), a student of Senior 11 of Long Island Great Net North High School, who spearheaded the idea that "our young people should also participate in assistance to the epidemic-affected areas" and put it into action. Mia Xu drafted the initiative for the Secretary-general of the United Nations and the President of the General Assembly. At the same time, Mia Xu invited Harmony Liu (Liu Xinge), a student of Senior 9 of Long Island Jericho High School to discuss and co-launch the activity. This is because that, Harmony Liu had the experience of donating his own gift money to Africa to fight against the Ebola virus five years ago.
Then, they contacted 23 classmates and friends from New York, Canada, Silicon Valley, Maryland, Beijing, etc., and formed the first batch of epidemic aid team. After the negotiation of these partners, this initiative for the Secretary-general of the United Nations and the President of the General Assembly was formally born!
Elvis Han (Han Chuze), a student of Grade 1 of Wishing Well Montessori School in Toronto, Canada, is only 6 years old this year, but he is already a very sensible child! Under the encouragement and guidance of his parents, he decided to cancel the original overseas travel plan to give support to this love relay activity. At the sight of the children generously donating their gift money original for the Spring Festival travel, their parents feel very happy! Elvis Han also creatively painted a picture of "Warcraft Bombing Coronavirus" and asked his partners to send it to the United Nations along with the initiative letter. This innocent heart should touch people from all countries and UN officials!

As it is expected, on the day the initiative was issued, Lester Wolff, a peace and environmental protection hero of the U.S., a 101-year-old senior congressman of the U.S., Thomas Suozzi,
a member of the U.S. Federal Congress, an environmental congressman responsible for Long Island area, and other officials immediately signed up to support this initiative. Lester Wolff said emotionally: "You can give little love to the epidemic disaster at a young age, I bet you can contribute big love in the future!"
Through making contact with the United Nations World Health Organization through the UN NGO World Harmony Foundation Youth Committee, these children received email responses from WHO New York officials to support the children, and were provided with the donation channel through Geneva headquarters.
Seeing the positive actions of these children, Nicole, CEO of the World Harmony Foundation and chairman of the Global Future Leaders Organization, said: "The love of children is very touching, and the cultivation for the quality of youth leaders shall begin with love."
In two days, 39 young people have signed up to give response to this proposal. Next, after the Geneva Headquarters of WHO presented the donation, the donations will be collected together. The uniformly purchased masks and other anti-epidemic materials will be sent to the front line of epidemic protection through the UN organizations at the first time. Donation conditions and purchase lists will also be released through the media in a timely manner.In particular, Liu Bangzheng, a student from the Class 1901,grade 7 of Tongshenghu Experimental Middle School in Changsha City, Hunan Province, and Liu Can, a graduate student who major in cell biology at the School of Basic Medicine, Central South University of Hunan, etc., donated their love in response to the initiative. 
Attachment: List of Initiators & Participants of the First Batch of Love Donation Relay:
Initiators & Participants:

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霍普金斯大学亚裔美国学生Harmony Liu应邀在第79届联合国大会会外活动中作主旨发言

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