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Harmony Liu, Honored as Invited Video Speaker at UN High-level Water Summit in Tajikistan

时间:2022年06月11日    作者:HPNA Asia Newsweek    浏览量:

Harmony Liu, Honored as Invited Video Speaker at UN High-level Water Summit in Tajikistan

Harmony Liu, Honored as Invited Video Speaker at UN High-level Water Summit in Tajikistan


【Peace News Agency, reporter Liu wenyi Today, the reporter learned,that,Harmony Liu, Secretary-General of the World Harmony Foundation Youth Council, made history today as an invited youth presenter at the World Women's Water Summit in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

Mr. Richard Jordan, who has worked with H.R.H. Princess Dr. Nisreen El-Hashemite (Iraq) for the past decade, was asked to recommend a youth presenter who could speak articulately and with heartfelt concern, for the issue of protecting Mother Earth's supply of fresh drinking water.

 Harmony Liu, Honored as Invited Video Speaker at UN High-level Water Summit in Tajikistan

Being very familiar with Harmony Liu's speaking and interviewing abilities, as well as her creative writing that she hopes to craft during a summertime program online from Yale University, the Dean of UN Non-governmental representatives at the UN had no hesitation in nominating Harmony Liu as the sole youth presenter from the US at this important Summit.

The Summit has been co-organized by Tajikistan, UN Women, the Royal Academy of Science Intl. Trust, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Princess Dr. Nisreen is the Founder President of the Women in Science International League and also is the Executive Director of the Royal Academy of Science International Trust.

Dr. Nisreen is devoted to promoting the role of women and girls in science, and along with Minister Helena Dalli of Malta, were responsible with founding the Intl. Day of Women and Girls in Science.

 Harmony Liu, Honored as Invited Video Speaker at UN High-level Water Summit in Tajikistan

Besides high-level speakers who are scientists, there are government officials and others who will deliver messages on the need to preserve and conserve freshwater globally.

UN Water is the umbrella for the UN system on the issue of freshwater, and experts such as His Majesty, King Willem of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and H.E. Mr. Danilo Turk, current President of the Club of Madrid and former President of Slovenia, have been important voices in this issue. 

It is hoped that the Outcome Document prepared from the World Women's Water Forum will contain elements of Harmony Liu's video message.

Harmony Liu would be honored to continue her collaboration with the Royal Academy of Science International Trust and with Princess Dr. Nisreen in being a catalyst for protecting Mother Earth and for protecting humanity's need for freshwater resources to be available for all people. (Contributions from Ask Congress Web TV, Senior Intl. Correspondent, Mr. Richard Jordan)


作为保护地球母亲和新鲜饮用水的倡议者,Harmony Liu在塔吉克斯坦高级峰会上受邀发言

今天,世界和谐基金会青年委员会秘书长Harmony Liu,在塔吉克斯坦杜尚贝的世界妇女水峰会上创造历史。

在过去的十年中,与H.R.H.合作的理查德·乔丹先生曾受Nisreen El-Hashemite博士(伊拉克)邀请推荐一位青年演示者——他可以就保护地球母亲新鲜饮用水的供应问题


由此,他推荐了具有非常优秀的讲话和面试能力,以及希望在耶鲁大学的夏季计划中制作创意写作作品、且本人较为熟悉的Harmony Liu,收到推荐后,联合国非政府代表的院长毫不犹豫地提名Harmony Liu——来自美国的唯一青年主持人出席这次重要的峰会。



Nisreen博士致力于促进妇女和女童在科学中的作用,并与马耳他的Helena Dalli部长一起负责创立INTL——妇女和女孩科学生活。


淡水资源保护问题,是联合国关于水资源保护议题的重要内容,荷兰王国和H.E. J.E下的专家、马德里俱乐部现任主席,斯洛文尼亚前总裁丹尼洛·特克(Danilo Turk)先生,他们都在这个问题上一直传达着重要的声音。

希望在世界妇女水论坛准备的结果文件中,可以看到包含Harmony Liu视频信息的要素。

Harmony Liu将非常荣幸能够继续与皇家科学院国际信托基金会的合作,并与Nisreen博士成为保护地球母亲的盟友,共同为保护人类所有人所需的淡水资源而努力。


【责任编辑:HPNA Asia Newsweek】
Harmony Liu, Honored as Invited Video Speaker at UN High-level Water Summit in Tajikistan

Harmony Liu, Honored as Invited Video Speaker at UN High-level Water Summit in Tajikistan

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